The Zumarraga National High School is governed by a Management Team composed of a School Head and Teachers of the school. The Team is chaired by the School Head and vice-chaired by the Department Heads. The members of the Governance and Administrative Structure are represented by various sectors in the school and the community, which include the Parent-Teacher Association, School Governing Council, School-Planning team, a representative form the Local Government Unit, the Faculty Association, and the Supreme Student Government.
The School Head exercises the overall leadership in ensuring that the School's efforts are directed towards the attainment of the educational vision, mission, goals and objectives of Zumarraga National High School. The School Head works in partnership with the three sectoral Department Heads, namely: Department Head for Junior High School, Department Head for Senior High School, and Department Head for Operations and Learners Support Group. Each of the Department Head is assisted by teachers and other school personnel for the effective implementation of their functions.